Introducing CLNM


The Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) is a group of young people made up of care leavers from Local House Projects (LHPs) from across England and Scotland. They use their skills and experience to be expert advisors and develop LHPs whilst improving outcomes for all young people leaving care.

CLNM started as the Young People's National Steering Group in 2017 and officially launched as CLNM at the National House Project (NHP) Conference in 2019. CLNM is part of NHP, and its core purpose is to develop and implement the NHP framework of support that allows young people leaving care to live connected and fulfilling lives. CLNM also provides challenge to improve wider leaving care services within Local Authorities and the Government.

Keep scrolling to find out more about CLNM's Objectives as well as the video from their most recent conference!

Check out the CLNM animation above to find out more!

Check out our YouTube Channel

CLNM Objectives:

1. Celebrate Success

Highlight success stories to inspire, inform and influence positive change.

2. Improve Services

Develop and try new ideas designed with young people.

3. Provide Challenge

To improve the system to better support young people.

4. Peer Evaluate

Carry out regular Peer Evaluations and implement the recommendations.

CLNM: Developing Direction Conference 2024

CLNM organises and runs an annual event for young people, LHPs and the wider NHP community. Here's a glimpse at last year's conference.


The sense of love and community when I walked in was palpable and it’s a beautiful thing. - Speaker at CLNM Conference 2024

Don't forget to check out the Conference press release as well!

Find out more 

What do I do?
Meet the team

Meet the CLNM reps and read more about why they wanted to get involved with CLNM.

What do I do?

Did you know CLNM offers advice to organisations who want to hear the voice of care leavers?

What do I do?

FInd out more about what CLNM have been up to by reading the CLNM Newsletter.