Improve Services

One of the aims of Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) Reps is to improve services for all young people in Local House Projects (LHPs) and across wider leaving care services. CLNM Reps gather feedback from other young people and offer their own thoughts at regional meetings. At meetings, CLNM Reps share issues and work together to find solutions. They also share successes about what is working well. CLNM Reps are proactive in raising questions and suggesting solutions collaboratively. LHPs benefit from their input and have improved practice based on feedback from young people. For example, young people said they wanted more people to benefit from the House Project Programme (HPP). Now, two LAs have extended the HPP offer to all young people leaving care in their area.

CLNM Reps continue their work to improve services for care leavers. You can follow CLNM on social media and sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date.

CLNM's other Objectives... 

1. Celebrate Success

Highlight success stories to inspire, inform and influence positive change.

3. Provide Challenge

To improve the system to better support young people.

4. Peer Evaluate

Carry out regular Peer Evaluations and implement the recommendations.


Find out more 

What do I do?
Meet the team

Meet the CLNM reps and read more about why they wanted to get involved with CLNM.

What do I do?

Did you know CLNM offers advice to organisations who want to hear the voice of care leavers?

What do I do?

FInd out more about what CLNM have been up to by reading the CLNM Newsletter.