Welcome to Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) News Hub. Catch up with the latest from CLNM and hear what they have been up to. Sharing their news and updates helps them promote a positive Care Leaver narrative.
News relating to Blogs page 4
Join our Digital Poverty Campaign- Stand with Care Leavers across the country
18th August 2020
The digital divide between care leavers and the rest of society has grown considerably throughout lockdown which exacerbates the need for government to address this issue at a national level.
Our Digital Poverty Campaign...The update August 2020
2nd August 2020
Following on from our last Digital Poverty Campaign update back in May we’ve reached some key milestones which we wanted to share with you.
CLNM Update - June 2020
24th June 2020
Over the last three months we have elected 18 new representatives from House Projects across the country, established ‘The Founders’ who support our new representatives and redesigned our website!